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CORDIC Implementation

Made by: Claire Barnes

What did you do?

For my final project, I decided to implement the CORDIC algorithm in Verilog. The CORDIC algorithm implements trigonometric, hyperbolic, and logarithmic functions in digital logic using only bit-shifts, additions (and subtractions), and one look up table. I was only able to implement the sine and cosine functions. My reach goal was to implement log in any base, but I did not have time. So I focused on sine and cosine and creating a program that could input a given angle and output the sine and cosine of that angle. Currently, it only works on angles between 0 and 90 degrees.

Why did you do it?

When I first heard about the CORDIC algorithm, I thought it was too good to be true. A way to calculate all these crazy functions without doing a single multiply? How could that be? So I was intrigued and I decided to do my project on that.

How Did You Do It?

My first step was to do a lot of research into CORDIC, what it is, how it works. I learned about the history of CORDIC. How it was used to replace analog computers in B-58 bombers and it was used to make calculators in as early as the 70's. I found this great website: “”, with a very helpful video tutorial explaining the CORDIC algorithm in great detail. I must have watched this at least 3 times before I felt ready to take a stab at CORDIC.


I decided that instead of going straight to Verilog (a language that I have always found rather confusing) I decided to create an implementation in a language I was much more comfortable in: Python. Creating a CORDIC program in Python allowed me to see, at a bit of a higher level, how the CORDIC algorithm works. It helped me to wrap my brain around everything going on in this fairly simple, but often confusing algorithm.


Finally, I was ready (or at least, as ready as I ever would be) to make CORDIC in verilog. Fortunately, people had done similar things and shared their work on the internet, so even though I am on a team by myself, I certainly didn't have no help. I started by making the simple module, defining x, y, and angle inputs and sine/cosine outputs.

Then I had to produce a 31-entry long table of atan values to be my look-up-table. Each value in the table is equivalent to atan(2-i) where i starts at 0 and ends at 30. But, to create a 32-bit scaled value so that all the unsigned, fixed-point arithmetic would work out, every value was multiplied by 232 and divided by 360. Thus the atan table was created.

The CORDIC algorithm only works for values between -90 and 90 degrees. This is why my next step was to check if these conditions were true, and make the necessary changes if not. Because of the way I scaled the angles, I could simply check the leading 2 bits to see what quadrant the angle was in. PICTURE

The last part was to finally implement the meat of the CORDIC algorithm where all the iterations take place that produce cosine and sine values. The number of iterations that need to be implemented depends on how many bits wide the input is. Since my inputs were 16-bits wide, I only needed 16 iterations before I wouldn't be getting any more precision. So the entire algorithm is contained in a for loop that goes though, assigns the bit-shifted X and Y variables of the current iteration, finds the sign of the current Z angle, then calculates the next values of X, Y, and Z. PICTURE


My main difficulty was understanding and implementing fixed-point, signed arithmetic. Many of the methods I implemented, I learned from other people's work on the internet who had done similar things. So I don't fully understand what those things accomplished or if there was a better way to do it.

Future Work

Since the quadrant-checking step seems to not be working, that would be the next step so that sine and cosine work for any input angle. The next logical step would be to implement more trigonometric, logarithmic, and hyperbolic functions.

Workplan Reflection

In our workplan, we set a goal to create an audio/visual synthesizer using an FPGA, which we completed by setting up our FPGA that can play notes and light up LED's depending on In terms of meeting our goals for the demo, we were able to both play music and light up corresponding LED's.

With regard to our workplan, we were able to set out to do everything we wanted to do, partly due to the fact that we were relatively vague in what we actually wanted to do with regard to music. The only step that really took significantly longer than we expected to was synthesizing our verilog code on our FPGA. A large reason for this was that it took us almost a week from when we started to even get all the correct Xilinx packages downloaded and properly installed. Other than that, our timing was about what we expected. Our final step was a rather arbitrary “making our music and lights cooler”, which we have been iteratively doing over the course of the last week, and we now have a final product that we are more than satisfied with.

Circuit Diagram

Code Appendix

All of our code is in our github repository: The ucf files are all responsible for mapping between the FPGA and our verilog code. The relevant code with regard to the user input piano is in piano.ucf, and piano.v, and the code with regard to playing music with a look up table is in music_code.ucf, LUT_song.v, and memory.mem. The code responsible for switching between the modes is in master.ucf and master.v.

projects/cordic_algorithm.1387510868.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/19 22:41 by cbarnes