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Unicycle Lights

Computer Architecture, Fall 2013

Heather Boortz


I made unicycle lights using an FPGA. I made several different patterns of lights, and wrote the code such that it is easy for other users to add their own patterns. The switches on the FPGA board choose the pattern. Both the LEDs on the FPGA board as well as external LEDS can be controlled.


Unicycling is awesome, and nighttime unicycling is even more awesome with awesome lights. I wanted open source and easily editable lighting configurations to put on my unicycle. Also, a project that is literally blinky lights is fantastic.


I used a Digilent Nexys board with a Spartan3 FPGA to control all inputs and outputs. The switches on the board allow the user to switch between lighting patterns. The built in LEDs will light up in patterns, and the IO ports output signals to a perfboard with LEDs soldered onto it. The entire thing can be powered with a 9 volt battery. All code was written in Verilog, and I used Xilinx to synthesize the code and put it on the FPGA.


All of the code and relevant documentation can be found at


projects/unicycle_lights.1387509981.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/19 22:26 by hboortz