======Manually adding 802.1x Networks in Windows 8====== This document will guide you through manually creating network profiles in Windows 8 for the Olin's 802.1X wireless networks. This process is slightly different than in previous versions of Windows due to the changes in accessing certain network settings in Windows 8. - Open the Network and Sharing Center (in Control Panel or through the network icon in the system tray) and click **Set up a new connection or network** in the center of the window.\\ {{:win8_8021x_1.jpg|}} - Choose **Manually connect to a wireless network** and click **Next** - Enter the network name (''OLIN'') - Select WPA2-Enterprise security, AES Encryption, then click **Next** - Click the link to Change connection settings - Under the Security tab, click the **Settings** button next to the Network Authentication Method\\ {{:win8_8021x_2.jpg|}} - Uncheck the top check box next to **Validate Server Certificate** and check the bottom check box next to **Enable Identity Privacy** and enter a name (such as yours). - Click **Configure** and uncheck the box to use your **Windows logon name and password**. - Click **OK**, then click **Advanced Settings** on the main Security Tab. - Check the box to **Specify authentication method**, and select **User authentication** from the combo box - Click **Save Credentials** (if you want them saved) and enter your username (as ''@olin.edu'', not ''olin.edu\'') and domain password - Click **OK** twice then **Close** |^ OLIN | New network available in all campus buildings |