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Pipelined CPU, hazards eliminated

By Shivam Desai, Kris Groth, Sarah Strohkorb, Eric Westman

What did you do?

This is a catchy sentence followed by a paragraph or two. The intended audience should include people that aren’t necessarily versed in Computer Architecture, but are technically competent. Even the MechEs should be able to understand this portion.

We used this project as an opportunity to model and simulate a pipelined CPU.

Why did you do it?

A paragraph or so about why the project you chose is worthwhile and interesting.

How did you do it?

This portion can assume an audience that has taken Computer Architecture, but don’t get burdened by buzzwords. A sure sign of a bad engineer is over reliance on acroynms.

How can someone else build on it?

projects/pipelined_cpu_hazards_eliminated.1387395611.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/18 14:40 by lordpudding