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Final Projects

FPGA Piano/LFSR with Sine Wave Generator by Casey Alvarado, Cynthia Chen, Mika Ichiki-Welches, Nitya Dhanushkodi, Zoher Ghadyali

FPGA Pianoman by Deborah Hellen, Ben Kahle, Erika Weiler

FPGA Implementations of Initial-Value Problem Solving Methods by Nick Eyre

Vacuum Tube SR Latch by Forrest Bourke & Ruby Spring

Mathematics ASM by Cyprien Guillemot, Bonjun Gu, Pil Hun Choi

Large Integer Exponentiation by Kyle Mayer

FPGA Guitar by Sawyer Vaughan, James Jang, Filippos Lymperopoulos

FPGA Piano + Drums by Jacob Kingery and Ryan Louie

2014/final_projects.1418707401.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/16 00:23 by eweiler