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 ====== Canvas Learning Management System ====== ====== Canvas Learning Management System ======
-Olin has licensed the Canvas Learning Management System. Canvas provides a collaborative space for course content, assignments,​ and grading. Instructors may host course material (syllabus, readings, review questions, etc.) on a Canvas course site. All courses, instructors and students are imported into Canvas each semester by Olin IT team; this includes BOW / cross-registered students. Courses using Canvas must then have their add/drop students manually updated.  +See TDX Knowledge base: [[https://helpdesk.olin.edu/TDClient/314/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=9971]]
- +
-=== Login to Canvas === +
- +
-  * Users with @olin.edu logins: [[https://canvas.olin.edu]]  Login with your Olin UPN (username@olin.edu) and password. +
-  * External/non-@olin.edu users (guests, observers): [[https://canvas.olin.edu/​login/​canvas ]] +
- +
-Olin users can also access Canvas through the Microsoft 365 Portal ​([[https://portal.office.com/​]]). +
- +
-=== Canvas Support === +
- +
-Check out these guides: +
-  * [[https://​community.canvaslms.com/​t5/​Canvas-Basics-Guide/​tkb-p/​basics|Canvas Basics]] +
-  * [[https://​community.canvaslms.com/​t5/​Instructor-Guide/​tkb-p/​Instructor|Canvas Instructor]] +
-  * [[https://​community.canvaslms.com/​t5/​COVID-Resources/​Set-Up-Your-Canvas-Course-in-30-minutes-or-Less/​ba-p/​258437|Video:​ Set Up Your CanvasCourse in 30 minutes or Less]] +
-  +
-Questions?  +
-  * [[https://​community.canvaslms.com/​t5/​Guides/​ct-p/​guides|Search the Canvas Guides]] +
-  * [[https://​cases.canvaslms.com/​liveagentchat?chattype=admin&​sfid=001A000000KLgzwIAD|Chat with Canvas Support]] +
-  * Call Canvas Support 24/7: 877-375-9943 +
- +
- +
-=== Frequently Asked Questions === +
- +
-Still need help? See our [[canvas_faq|FAQ section]].+