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config_wifi_on_android [2021/03/05 09:16]
mamaral [Configuring Wifi on Android Devices]
config_wifi_on_android [2024/05/28 13:19] (current)
ccirone [Configuring Wifi on Android Devices]
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   -Click on **Wireless & Networks**, then **Wi-Fi settings**.   -Click on **Wireless & Networks**, then **Wi-Fi settings**.
   -Click on the wireless network you want to add (we suggest using ''​OLIN-GUEST''​ with your mobile device as it won't create conflicts when you change your user password in the future).   -Click on the wireless network you want to add (we suggest using ''​OLIN-GUEST''​ with your mobile device as it won't create conflicts when you change your user password in the future).
-  -For ''​OLIN-GUEST'',​ simply enter the guest wireless password (available on the [[https://​my.olin.edu|portal]]). ​  +  -For ''​OLIN-VISITOR'',​ simply enter the guest wireless password (available on the [[https://​my.olin.edu|portal]]). ​  
      *Log in with network credentials->​Choose Campus Life Tab and then Information Technology from left navigation pane. Guest wireless info is listed in documentation section.      *Log in with network credentials->​Choose Campus Life Tab and then Information Technology from left navigation pane. Guest wireless info is listed in documentation section.
   -For other Olin networks, scroll down and enter the following information:​   -For other Olin networks, scroll down and enter the following information:​
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     *Client certificate: ​ N/A     *Client certificate: ​ N/A
     *Private key password: ​ [leave blank]     *Private key password: ​ [leave blank]
-    *Identity: ​ ''​username@olin.edu'',​ where username is your Olin network username, e.g. jsmith2, ​ not your e-mail address.+    *Identity: ​ ''​username@olin.edu'', ​(aka UPN) where username is your Olin network username, e.g. jsmith2, ​ not your e-mail address.
     *Anonymous identity: ​ [leave blank]     *Anonymous identity: ​ [leave blank]
-    *Wireless password:  ​Use your Olin domain ​password, i.e. the password you log into webmail with.+    *Wireless password:  ​Enter your Olin network ​password.
   -Click **Save**, and you should be able to connect.   -Click **Save**, and you should be able to connect.