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olin_it_wiki [2022/09/27 15:24]
olin_it_wiki [2024/12/04 14:58] (current)
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 +====== Please see our new IT Knowledge Base ======
-**Welcome ​to the Olin College Information Technology Wiki!**  +Please go to our new IT Knowledge Base here: [[https://​helpdesk.olin.edu/​]]
- +
- +
-  * [[important_service_information| Important Service Announcements]]+
 ==== Quick Info ==== ==== Quick Info ====
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 **Phone:** 781-292-2430 **Phone:** 781-292-2430
-Off hour emergencies such as system outages, or other issues affecting the greater community, should be reported to the IT Help Desk via email or phone.\\ ​ 
-You can also contact an individual member of the IT Department via email if need be. 
-Checking your Olin email from the web, use Outlook Web Application (OWA): [[https://​outlook.office.com]] 
-If you need help using an Olin IT Service, consult the [[tech_guide_faculty_staff|Tech Guide]] 
-==== Dell Personal Purchases ==== 
-See: [[dell_personal_purchases|Dell Personal Purchases]] 
-==== About this Wiki ==== 
-    * How to [[:​submit_content|submit content]] for official IT documentation or suggest a correction. 
-==== Our Mission Statement ==== 
-We are dedicated to providing bold and consistently excellent information services that uniquely differentiate the core learning experience of the Olin community. Through leading edge technologies we enable 21st century leaders to predict, create, and manage innovation with unprecedented skill.