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Table of Contents
Getting Connected at Franklin W Olin College of Engineering
How to Contact Information Technology
The preferred method of contacting Information Technology for technical support is by sending an email to The IT Help Desk can also be contacted by telephone at ext 2430 during office hours, which are available at the IT Wiki Homepage. This office can be accessed from off campus by dialing 781.292.2430. Walk up service is also available on a first come first serve basis in Milas Hall LL10.
After Hours
In the event of an afterhours IT emergency, please contact the R2 on duty in your residence hall, who can contact an appropriate person if deemed necessary.
How To Log On To the Olin Network
- Power on your desktop computer
- Press
Ctrl + Alt + Delete
- Logon Information
- User Name: first initial and last name
- Password:
- Domain: Milkyway or
- The system will then prompt you to change your password.
- All passwords must be minimum 8 characters in length, include upper and lower case letters and numbers or special characters.
- The built in system administrator account has been renamed to
and configured for IT use in managing the laptop program.DO NOT modify this account in any way.
Network Drives
It is recommended that you save your documents onto the network drives that are mapped for you. Open Windows Explorer by right clicking on the my computer icon on your desktop.
Our file server is called fsvs01 and contains a drive for departments, which is where each area of the college has a common drive to use for sharing files. For example, the faculty drive will be noted as a folder named Faculty when the department drive is expanded. For private use, you will find a personal folder designated as: first initiallast name\ fsvs01\users\FacStaff (H) for your personal use.
Stufac - \\fsvs01\StuFac - space shared by faculty and students for academic use
Public - \\fsvs01\public - This is an area open to faculty, staff and students for storing Olinrelated data.
Sandbox - \\fsvs01\sandbox - This space is meant for very short-term storage.
A complete backup of all files stored on the network is completed nightly. If you have any issues with regard to accidentally deleting or otherwise losing files, contact the IT Help Desk as soon as possible. It is recommended that you save all files to the network drive to ensure appropriate backup. If you choose to save files to your local drive, it is your responsibility to ensure that they are properly backed up.
If you require access to additional network drives, you can email Most network drive requests will require departmental approval prior to access being granted.
Network Printers
Adding a Shared Network Printer to your computer:
- From the taskbar Click on START, SETTINGS, PRINTERS
- Double Click on Add Printer icon
- Select network printer
- Type the printer name in the printer box in the following format
- Click next to browse for a printer
Choose Find Now
- Please Note: All printers on campus will be located in Printvs01 and follow this established naming convention:
- Choose printer name using above naming convention
- Double click on the printer you wish to install
- Next you are asked if you wish this printer to be your default, select Yes or No, click on Next.
- Click on Finish
How To Log Off Of the Olin Network
- Control+Alt+Delete
- Shut Down
It is recommended that you power off your computer when leaving your desk for the day.
Electronic Mail
The standard official e-mail address at Olin College is:
Faculty and Staff:
Olin College currently uses Outlook 2007 as a mail client. New employee desktops/laptops are configured with an Outlook profile to access your email on campus.
Some common email alias groups have been built to help you connect with various groups of people on campus. You can find a complete list of these email groups Global Address book which can be accessed from your address book in Outlook. A few of the most widely used and the groups each address corresponds to.
- (faculty and staff)
- (all staff members)
- (all faculty members)
- (all students)
- (all students in class of 2011)
- (all students in class of 2012)
- (all students in class of 2013)
- (all students in class of 2014)
Accessing Email from Off Campus
From any web browser, go to
- Click the appropriate logon option, and sign in with our domain name and your network credentials→\first initial last name and network password
See the IT Web site at under the documentation tab for more detailed instructions on using our web mail access.
PhoenixNet is our new portal and works as a college wide resource for access to many of our sites and information. The Olin portal contains links and hand outs from financial services, human resources, campus directory information, calendaring information and many other necessary information on our campus. Just sign onto the portal using your Olin network credentials, network username and password. You will find user friendly information about helpful tools posted on the portal, and requests for additional information or access can be sent to
Ad Astra Scheduler has been made available through the portal, via single sign-on. Accessing the system via the portal is the preferred method of requesting rooms. For further information and instruction on reserving rooms, please e-mail and Campus Services will provide necessary information.
Accessing the Course Management System
Olin College uses Blackboard as its course management system. If you would like to use Blackboard for your class or need further information, please email with course ID and we will create accounts, course and upload all enrolled students.
- To get to Blackboard, point your browser to
- Click on Login
- Enter your network credentials
- Network username and password
Mailman List
For ease with accessing and sharing information with others who share similar interests on campus, the college has mailing lists available for all community members. Mailman is the Web-based mail list manager used at Olin College. Follow the link to our mailman site, and choose public lists from the left column to browse the current list of available mailing lists. To request a list, choose the link for information for list owners and moderators. Information for creating, subscribing and unsubscribing can be found on this site. Further questions can be sent to
Telephone Service
Olin College uses VoIP telephony technology. All permanent faculty and staff are assigned telephones, extensions and voice mail upon their arrival at the college. Instructions for accessing voice mail and telephone features can be found on the IT web site Choose the tab for documentation and then telephony. Requests for additional services should be discussed with your supervisor.
Printer/Copier/Fax Supplies
All toner cartridges for the copiers, printers and fax machines will be supplied through Information Technology. Use our printer database, located on our intranet, to order toner. Go to and log in with your network user name and password. Choose IT services from the left column and then printer/copier fax supplies and use the drop down menu to choose your printer and location. This will auto generate an email to the IT Help Desk with the correct toner needed.
Presentation Equipment
Portable presentation equipment is available for those areas of the college that are not equipped with AV equipment. Email to reserve portable equipment. Please include equipment needed, date of pick up and date of return. A list of classrooms and conference rooms with built in capability can be found on the IT Web site at under the Documentation Tab→AV. All units are managed and maintained by Information Technology. Information Technology personnel are available, by appointment, for training on the use of this equipment. To set up an appointment or make reservations please e-mail
Web Space
If you are interested in creating a web site, you will find a web folder identified with your network username, located at server \\facweb\faculty. Once you create your web site, please contact in our Communication office as she can update your faculty profile, located on our main web site, to include a link to your web site.