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Creating/Printing Signs for Outdoor Holders
There are 3 double sided 28 x 40, wind/weather resistant signs holders. Read below for full instructions on placing a work order for the sign holders.
Creating Signs
- Create sign in Microsoft Word
- Design layout
- keep all information on one 8.5×11 page with portrait orientation
- Olin Logo’s are available on the portal (
- Save document in Word then convert to PDF
- Save file in location that you can access from the computer lab
- Network drive; webmail; bring USB drive
Printing Document
- To print on large format printer in computer lab, choose MHL22H01 from printer directory. You may have to add this unit to your available printers. See the IT Web site at IT Web Site for instructions on large format printing ( NOTE: be sure to choose the instructions for Windows 7 if you are using the computers in MHL22 computer lab.
- Choose the printer go to printer properties and select the Paper/Quality Tab
- Use the drop down menu under document size and choose size F for outdoor sign as this is predefined as 28×40
- Choose more from drop down to find size F if not available on first screen
- Set paper source to Roll and paper type to Any
- Choose OK to leave the Paper/Quality Tab and return to print meu
- From the Print Menu under Paper Sizing and Handling
- Under Size Options:
- choose Fit.
- uncheck box for Choose paper source by PDF page size
- Under Orientation
- Choose auto portrait/landscape
- Your print preview should display your document in the appropriate size
- Select Print
Check the paper in the large format printer before you print your signs. All printing should be done from the computer lab as paper supplies should be checked and print job monitored so misprints can be quickly identified and canceled. Helpdesk staff can instruct you on proper ways to load paper in these printers. Place a Work Order or with the following information
- Pick up location of signs
- How many signs you have and desired locations
- When the signs must be put out and taken in
For any questions concerning signs, please email: Printing issues email
Remember to bring your Olin ID to access the Milas Hall LL22 Computer Lab.