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Linux Documentation

*Students: Please Read* Welcome to the Linux Wiki. Your data is important and you are responsible for the data. If you are new to Linux or a seasoned Veteran it is important to backup your data. While at Olin you will be involved on many projects. If something happens to your laptop the Helpdesk may not be able to recover your data. To keep your data safe take a few minutes to setup a automatic backup.

There are many ways to create backups in Linux but one of the easier ways is using Deja-Dup to backup your Ubuntu home directory to Google drive. So after setting up your WiFi in Ubuntu on your laptop go ahead and setup Deja-Dup. Your future self will thank you.

The Linux Wiki (Available On-Campus Only)

Guide to connecting Ubuntu to OLIN WiFi

Backup your Ubuntu data to the cloud: The Easy Way

Guide to Removing Ubuntu from a Dual-Boot System