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802.1x Networks in Windows 8 -- UNDER CONSTRUCTION

This article currently under construction

This document will guide you through connecting to the new 802.1x wireless profiles in Windows 8. This process is slightly different than in previous versions of Windows due to the changes in accessing certain network settings in Windows 8.

  1. Open the Network and Sharing Center (in Control Panel or through the network icon in the system tray) and click Manage Wireless Networks on the left side.
  2. Click Add, and select Manually create a network profile
  3. Enter the network name (OLIN_XX where XX is the building code)
  4. Select WPA2-Enterprise security, AES Encryption, then click Next
  5. Click the link to Change connection settings
  6. Under the Security tab, click the Settings button next to the Network Authentication Method
  7. Uncheck the top check box next to Validate Server Certificate and check the bottom check box next to Enable Identity Privacy and enter a name (such as yours).
  8. If your computer is not on the domain: Click Configure and uncheck the box to use your Windows logon name and password. If you are on the domain (which you shouldn’t be for Windows 7 as of 2/12/2010), do not perform this step as it will likely make things harder for you.
  9. Click OK, then click Advanced Settings on the main Security Tab.
  10. Check the box to Specify authentication method, and select User authentication from the combo box
  11. If your computer is not on the domain: Click Save Credentials (if you want them saved) and enter your username (as <username>, not\<username>) and domain password
  12. Click OK twice then Close
OLIN_AC Academic Center
OLIN_MH Milas Hall
OLIN_CC Campus Center
OLIN_EH East Hall dorms
OLIN_WH West Hall dorms