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iphone_exchange_setup [2013/04/22 17:18]
edorsky [Olin Email Folders and Rules on your iOS Device]
iphone_exchange_setup [2024/05/28 11:11] (current)
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-===== Setting Up Olin Email on your iOS Device ===== +===== Adding ​Olin Email to your iPhone/​iPad/​iOS Device ===== 
-From the Home screen ​on your iPhone:+//If you need to reset your Olin email on your phone due to login problems, you may need to first [[iphone_exchange_remove|Remove Olin Email from your iPhone/iPad/iOS Device]]//
-  - Go to **Settings > Mail > Add Account...** +  ​* {{ :ios-addaccount-exchange.png?​200|}}On your phone'​s home screen, select: 
-  ​Select **Microsoft Exchange** +**Settings** **Mail** **Accounts** 
-  ​ +  ​Select **Add Account** 
-    ​Email: ''​joseph.student@students.olin.edu''​ +  * With the new iOS update, you will likely have to wait an hour for Security Delay 
-    Server: ''​webmail.olin.edu''​ +  Select ​**Microsoft Exchange**
-    ​Domain: ''​olin.edu''​ +
-    ​Username: ''​jstudent''​ +
-    ​Password: Your network password+
-Then select the services you would like to sync. Mail, Contacts, Calendars, and Reminders (Tasks on outlook) all work.+.
-===== Olin Email Folders ​and Rules on your iOS Device ===== +
-iOS Mail will respect ​your mail rules and sort emails into folders ​on your iOS devicebut only if you set up the rules on the serverTo set up rules on the server, set the rules in webmail at ''<​nowiki>​http://webmail.olin.edu</​nowiki>''​ under **Options > Rules**+ 
 +  * {{ :​ios-addaccount-username.png?​200|}}Type in your Olin login account (**flastname@olin.edu**),​ along with a description for the account, ​and then select **Next** //(Do not use an email address in the format firstname.lastname@olin.edu)//​ 
 +  * {{ :​ios-addaccount-signin.png?​200|}}When asked to //Configure Manually// or //Sign In//, select **Sign In**. 
 +  * {{ :​ios-addaccount-password.png?​200|}}When the Olin Single Sign-On (SSO) page appears, type in your password, then press blue the **Sign in** button. 
 +  * {{ :​ios-addaccount-mfa.png?​200|}}Depending ​on your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) configuration, you may be prompted to enter a code from your authenticator app, or you may receive a text message with a code, or your Microsoft Authenticator app may prompt you to approve ​the loginUse the appropriate multi-factor authentication method that you have configured. 
 +  * {{ :ios-addaccount-save.png?​200|}}If your login is successful, you will be prompted to select/de-select the items that you wish to use on your phone (Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Reminders, Notes)If necessary, turn on or off any items as you wishThen press **Save**
 +  * Now you're done! Your email and calendar should start syncing to your phone momentarily.
-Then, you can set iOS Mail to push folders other than your inbox to your device. This means you will still get emails as soon as they come in, even if they are sorted straight out of your inbox. 
-  -Go to **Settings > Mail > The exchange account you set up (Under Accounts) > Mail Folders to Push** 
-  -Select the folders you would like to be pushed to your phone.