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Using VPN to connect to the Olin network
What is VPN?
VPN (Virtual Private Network) allows you to create a secure connection to the Olin network from off‐campus using your existing internet connection.
Why would I use VPN?
You would use VPN if you have files or documents on the network servers that you want to access while you are off‐campus. VPN is also ideal if you want to use licensed student software applications e.g.- Solidworks, while away from campus.
What do I need to do to get a VPN account/start using VPN?
VPN software is installed on all Olin laptops. This software can be found on your Olin computer by going to START button on lower left of computer and entering Ivanti or Pulse in the search box. This shoud bring up Ivanti Secure Access Client or Pulse Secure client software. Select it to open the software. You will have to choose your connection and click on the connect button. Once the login screen appears, use your SSO credentials to login. You will always have to authenticate with your MFA method of choice for security reasons.
If you would like to install it on a personal system, please follow the instructions detailed here: Ivanti Secure Access VPN Client Installation and Configuration
I have files on the network and my VPN client is connected. How do I get to them?
Best practice is to store your documents in OneDrive, but If you are using Olin network shares, then create a shortcut to your needed network locations while you are on campus. If there is a location on the network that you would like access to remotely, right‐click the folder and choose send to, then select the over arrow, and in the context menu that opens select desktop (create shortcut). These shortcuts will always open when you are connected to the Olin network both on‐campus and when using VPN off‐campus.
You can also access the servers directly by going to START→Run (also accessible via Windows Key + R) → and entering the name of the server you want to access preceded by ‘\\’ (ex. \\fsvs01 \\netapp01 …etc)
How do I change my password for VPN?
Your VPN password is the same password as your network account at Olin. Please refer to our Password Change Guide
Is there anything else I should know about VPN?
Logging into VPN creates a secure connection to the Olin network. The latest version of our VPN service has implemented what is known as “split-tunneling” This allows you to reach Olin resources while still able to use your own ISP connection for services like Netflix, Hulu and other bandwidth intensive application that are not on Olin's network. “Full-Tunnel” is necessary when you are connected to internet at an unsafe setting and you want to ensure the safety of your data. “Full-Tunnel” means that all traffic is routed through Olin's network, please be sure this is what you want when selecting this option.
Note: If you choose to remember this choice by selecting the check box when logging in to the VPN server, you will have to delete the VPN profile in the VPN client and recreate it to regain the option to select either “Split or Full” tunnel methods.